Sipping Consciously: The Ethics of Your Morning Coffee with North Star Coffee Roasters

In this enlightening episode, we sit down with Holly Kragiopoulos, a co-founder and CEO of North Star Coffee, to discuss the untold story behind your morning cup of Joe. We explore the ethical and environmental ramifications of the coffee industry and learn about what Northstar Coffee is doing to brew change.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The Disconnect in the Coffee Industry: Instant coffee has contributed to consumers becoming detached from the human aspects and origins of coffee production.

  2. The Future of Coffee is at Stake: Factors like climate change and an aging producer demographic could severely limit future coffee production.

  3. Speciality Coffee as a Catalyst: Specialty coffee has the potential to re-engage consumers with producers, and it's governed by strict quality parameters.

  4. Long-Term Business Viability: Holly outlines North Star’s proactive strategies to sustain the coffee industry through ethical sourcing and by contributing positively to the supply chain.

  5. Innovation in Action: Real-world examples from North Star Coffee’s projects that have made a meaningful difference in the lives of producers.

Special Guest:
Holly Kragiopoulos, Co-Founder and CEO of North Star Coffee


How to Get in Touch with North Star Coffee:

Recommended Further Reading:

  1. "The Ethics of What We Eat" by Peter Singer

  2. "The New Climate War" by Michael E. Mann

This episode is packed with critical insights about a topic we all take for granted: coffee. Tune in, and let’s start brewing some positive changes together.


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Shout outs:


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